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Month: July 2022

How beginners of all ages and abilities can build strength — without pumping iron

If you’ve had problems sticking to an exercise program in the past, maybe you were trying to do too much at once. Remember that it’s okay to start with a small amount. Even just a few minutes of exercise will…

In Season Fruits and Their Health Benefits

After a long winter up North, and a Spring that went by in a flash, the kids are finally out of school and its now officially farmer’s market season. With this beautiful change of seasons comes an abundance of in…

“What if I’m just lucky?” Are you suffering from impostor syndrome?

Continuous self-doubt? Guilt for taking up space? Low confidence and self-esteem? I’ve been there, and perhaps you have too. As a first-generation college student, I always felt the pressure to succeed. I had everything my parents didn’t: higher education and…